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Sonder Digital

The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Marketing

From Start Ups to Settled In

Whether your business is a start-up, or you’ve been trading for years, getting some outside help can tap into new customers on channels you may not have used or may not be maximising your presence on.

It’s not rocket science, but neither is electrics and I wouldn’t rewire my house. If you’re keen and have the time to study, then there’s nothing stopping you from teaching yourself enough to get by. But do you want to just get by?

There Just Aren’t Enough Hours in The Day

Everyone knows you need to work with the customers you have AND be marketing to new customers, to keep a constant flow of work. The levels of marketing needed depend on your business, but most business owners end up asking themselves where they’re meant to find the time for all this work.

Marketing is usually the first task to get dropped, as servicing the customers you have is your priority, right? Taking on an external agency to cover the marketing takes the pressure off so you can focus on what you do best.

Let’s Get Technical

Outsourcing means you can tap into a resource of knowledge that you probably don’t have in house. For example, in our experience it’s only large businesses that can afford an in-house SEO expert.

Agencies can work with anyone you have on staff, from a novice to someone with a reasonable understanding of marketing and bridge the skills gap with the expertise to supplement whatever you’re already working with.

Sonder can work around you and what you’re able to cover in house, providing direction and assistance in the areas that you need help with.

Keeping Up to Date

Digital marketing is constantly changing, we ensure we keep up with blogs, tweets and industry experts so that our recommendations take advantage of the latest trends and technologies. All those hours of reading and research are more cost-effective for an agency.

This applies to all areas of marketing, which all require specialist knowledge to do well, including:

  • SEO
  • CRO
  • PPC
  • Development
  • Social strategy
  • Email campaigns
  • and much more

Who’s got time to keep up with all of that whilst running a business?

The Tools of the Trade

Not only do marketing agencies have the expertise, they also have the toolkit. Here at Sonder we spend £100’s a month on tool subscriptions which we use across our clients, making the cost per retainer feasible.

Working in house it’s unlikely you’d be able to make a good financial case for all the tools needed to do the job well, so you’ll be stuck doing it all ‘by eye’.

The tools that we use increase our accuracy and substantially speed up our processes, allowing us to deliver better work in less time than most in house set ups.


Unlike taking on a marketing team, you can increase and decrease the services that you need over time with an agency, without having staff members, redundancy and notice periods to worry about.

With the recent Coronavirus epidemic, we saw a lot of clients reduce their PPC budgets and cut back on exhibitions as many were cancelled. Having in house staff to worry about paying at that time could have had serious consequences for the small businesses we love to work with.

It swings the other way, if you have a short-term influx of cash perhaps in your busy period, we can take on extra budget and activity to reinvest that money in your future success. Using an external company allows you more flexibility with your marketing budget.

The Bottom Line

If you’ve made it this far in the blog, the chances are you’re in need of some marketing help. It makes financial sense to pay for experts to do a small-scale job well, the trick is to stop looking at the outgoing cost and compare it to the long-run cost of not marketing your business properly.

If you’d like to chat about how we can help with your marketing, please get in touch.

Posted on March 30th 2020

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