Get in touch

Sonder Digital

Meet Rob Swan

I'm responsible for... 

Website technology and product development. I’m involved heavily in steering the overall technical direction of Sonder, ensuring that our web based products like Envelope do everything our clients and team need them to. If there’s a question about whether we can leverage technology to help a client then I’m the one with the answer.

My specialist skill is... 

Being equal parts linguist and developer. My ability to write cutting-edge code is paralleled by my ability to write emotively and persuasively. Combining both of those has always given me the edge when it comes to marketing and online sales.

Favourite thing about my role...

Learning! Every day is a school day when you’re in digital marketing. I absolutely love learning about our clients (and their competitors!). Learning about new technology and approaches to problem solving. Learning about economic and social trends. Learning about the way that the web is evolving, and that peoples use of the web is evolving. My own skill sets and knowledge are constantly evolving, and I love it!

Rob Swan

Technical Director 

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